Ceiling Installation (continued)
Mark the Stage Area
1. Mark the centerline of the stage as follows. Refer to the illustration below.
a. Make sure that the line sets are in the correct position.
b. Mark the mid point downstage between the two sides of the proscenium.
c Measure an equal distance from the two sides of the proscenium and mark the mid point upstage as
shown in the illustration below.
d. Snap a chalk line between the mid points marked upstage and downstage.
Stage Left
Stage Right
Measure an Equal Distance
Measure an Equal Distance
Strike a Chalk Line on the
Stage Centerline marked
from the intersection of
the two measurements.
Proscenium Opening
Measure an Equal
Measure an Equal
Mark the Stage Centerline position
on the Batten using the Plumb Line.
Batten at the Lowest Position
above the Stage Floor
Lift Lines
Chalked Stage
Typical Stage
2. Place the battens or lift lines at the lowest position and mark the stage centerline position on the batten.