Product Manual
DHW piping (shown with WM97+155, right-side piping, with Honeywell AMX302TLF mixing valve assembly)
Domestic water piping
Piping overview
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— If a backflow
preventer, check valve, or pressure reducing valve
is piped on cold water inlet of water heater, you
must install an expansion tank on cold water sup-
ply line to prevent normal thermal expansion from
repeatedly forcing open T&P relief valve. The T&P
relief valve is not intended for constant duty, such
as relief of pressure due to repeated normal system
expansion. Refer to expansion tank manufacturer’s
instructions for proper sizing. Failure to comply
could result in severe personal injury, death or
substantial property damage.
1. See Figure 6 — This domestic water piping configuration
can be used in most cases, except where local codes require
special components or piping not illustrated.
2. See next page for legend.
3. Some codes may require the items listed as optional, such as
a vacuum breaker on the inlet line, or recirculation piping.
4. Recirculation, when required — See page 10 for recirculation
piping information.
1. For
applications, or as required else-
where by local codes, install the following options.
a. Thermal siphon on domestic water inlet and outlet.
b. Vacuum breaker on domestic water inlet line.
c. Recirculation
require recirculation piping or heat-traced piping if the
distance from the water heater to the furthest fixture
exceeds 100 feet.
Part number 635-500-156/1113