LED Visual Indication Lights of the HV BOX
RUN Button
Each Battery Module has its own RUN button, however, when used with the HV Box during
normal operation, the RUN button has no function and is bypassed by the control
communications from the HV Box.
In the HV configuration, the RUN button will have no effect on the operation of
the Battery Module and the operator should not assume that the RUN button will have
switched off the Battery Module when pressed.
Power Run Button
The Power Switch and the Run Button are located to the right of the battery terminal connections on the
side of the Battery Module.
The RUN Button is a GREEN LED button and will provide the user with the following indications depending
on the state of the battery.
Turn ON the Power Switch (1 = ON 0= OFF)
A 2-second press on the RUN Button will turn the Battery Module on.
During the startup procedure, the RUN button will blink until the safety inspection has been
completed by the BMS.
: A 5-second press and hold on the RUN Button will turn the Battery Module off.
Turn OFF the Power Switch (1 = ON 0= OFF)
Other functions of the RUN Button are explained in the relevant sections of this manual.
The RUN button of each module might Blink for several minutes after the HV BOX shuts down, this is
part of the BMS logic, Each module is waiting to receive confirmation from the previous module that
no upgrade is ongoing, typically the shit down process could take up to 1 minutes per each module
Read this entire manual thoroughly to understand the correct startup and
shutdown procedures for each battery configuration.
As the modules are connected to the WECO CLOUD, some modifications of the of the ordinary
procedure might change and could not reflect this manual.
The safety procedures will remain unchanged in any case.
Illustrations shown are for reference only. Please always refer to the physical Battery
Module in front
of you, and if the module has a different configuration to this manual, stop all activity
immediately and contact your WeCo technical representative.