Out of the Box Pre-Operational Check
Do not make any connection to the Battery Module until you have thoroughly read and understood this entire manual.
The Run Button and the Power Switch are located on the right side of the Battery Module as shown above.
The Power Switch is a RED mechanical ON/OFF switch that enables/disables the power supply of the BMS.
Set the Power Switch to ON (1) to start activation of the battery power supply, Set to OFF (0) to shut down completely.
The Run Button is a GREEN LED button that when pressed for 2 seconds will initiate the startup process of the battery.
Pressing the Run Button for 5 seconds will shut down the battery (the BMS will remain powered).
The Run Button will settle as a steady GREEN color if the battery is operating correctly. If the battery is low on charge, the
Run Button will blink GREEN.
If the front LED bar displays a flashing RED LED in conjunction with the other LED colors, the fault should automatically
clear within 4 minutes after a restart. In any case, it is required to inspect the system settings before attempting a new
restart, following the steps in the manual.
If the LED bar is all illuminated in RED, there is a major fault and you should not attempt any further operation of the
battery. Contact WeCo support at [email protected]
There is an RS232 Operator Port which will allow you to check all parameters of the Battery Module. Full instructions on
how to interface to the RS232 port can be found in this manual.
At this stage, after you have determined that the battery is functioning
correctly, it is mandatory to switch the battery off and follow the instructions and guidance in this
manual very carefully before attempting any configuration or connection to the Battery Module.
To switch the battery off (shutdown the battery), simply press the Run Button for 5-seconds and the GREEN
LED light will go off, confirming that the Battery Module has shutdown correctly.
Read this manual thoroughly, and always follow the guidance herein before
and while performing any installation procedure.
Before operating make sure that the
voltage is equal to
0 Vdc
Battery must be turned off before
starting any activity