B Preparing the system for operation
Your instrument is ready to run following installation by a Waters service engineer. If you move
the instrument and need to reconnect it, carry out the following procedures.
B.1 Rear panel connections
Verify that all the instruments external connections are connected: see
For details of supported inlet system configurations, contact Waters Technical Service.
B.2 Sample Inlet
Connect the ACQUITY RDa detector to the LC instrument via the divert valve using the supplied
500-mm probe assembly.
To avoid the pressure exceeding the limits of the preceding instrument, ensure
that you use the recommended tubing size and lengths for your instrument.
B.3 Connecting the probe
To avoid puncture injuries from the sharp probe capillary, use care when
inserting it into the source enclosure.
To avoid damaging the fragile probe capillary, if the instrument is situated
above eye level, disconnect the source enclosure and place it on a bench top or other
surface so that you can exercise caution when inserting the probe (see
source enclosure from the instrument (Page 28)
To connect the probe:
1. Carefully insert the probe capillary into the inlet atop the source enclosure and tighten the
probe fitting until it clicks.
August 20, 2021, 715005003 Ver. 04 (Previously released as Revision C)
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