Thank you for purchasing a WatchDog Retriever & Pups
Wireless Sensor Network.
The WatchDog Retriever & Pups Wireless Sensor Network is a
technologically advanced solution that provides growers the
ability to capture real-time, site-specific data in various
The Wireless Network consists of one Retriever and many
Pups. There are three types of Pups: Sensor Pups, Station
Pups, and Repeater Pups.
Each Sensor Pup within the network is compatible with a
diverse number of sensors and offers flexibility by allowing the
grower to monitor the sensor inputs they care about in the
locations they care about.
Station Pups are compatible with existing WatchDog 2000
Series Weather & Mini Stations and offer the ability to plug in
and transmit the full data set to the end receiver along with data
from other Sensor Pups across the growing environment.
Repeater Pups do not have sensor inputs. They can be used to
provide additional paths to extend the network.
All data acquired by the Pups is transmitted back to the
Retriever—the central point that collects, logs, and transmits the
The communication options are cellular modem, Wi-Fi, direct
connection to PC, and USB flash drive. Communication options
allow for automatic upload of the data to a computer or the web
for further analysis.
Growers can monitor their crops on their computer or
smartphone and make real-time decisions that improve yield
and quality, conserve resources, and increase profits.