Selecting the settings menu enters a sub-menu which has a number of information and setting
screens. These can be viewed and adjusted by the user. The information and setting screens
are displayed in the same format as the main menu screen and may be accessed in the same
way. The sub-menus include date/time, temperature and information as shown in Figure 12
Date / Time:
Selecting the date/time sub-menu enters the appliance clock and date management system. It
is very important that the date and time are set correctly as shown in Figure 13.
The date and time are adjusted using the ‘Down Arrow’ or the ‘Up Arrow’ keys. Confirm
with the ‘Enter key’. The day will automatically update when the date is altered.
Selecting the temperature sub-menu enters the screen from which the appliances flow
temperature may be adjusted. The flow temperature is the temperature at which the heating
system water which leaves the appliance and enters the central heating circuit. This can be
adjusted between 60°C and 80°C. The temperature is adjusted using the ‘Down Arrow’ or the
‘Up Arrow’ keys. Confirm with the ‘Enter key’ as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 12: Settings Menu.
Figure 13: Date/Time Home Screen.
Figure 14: Temperature Screen.