User guide for IP Weather Station WARIO ME13
Tab „Events“
The Events tab shows a toolbar that is divided into several main parts with the possibility to
create conditions based on date and time, sensor or mathematical functions. All the events
specified on one tab must be fulfilled simultaneously for the condition to be evaluated
as fulfilled (AND relationship). Event of one particular type can only be inserted once. If
a particular event type has already been used, a window for editing the event is displayed.
Section – Date and Time
Setting a condition based on a particular date.
Day of the week
Setting a condition based on a particular day of the week.
Setting a condition based on a particular month.
Setting a condition based on a particular time.
Setting a condition based on whether it is day or night.
Section events – Sensors
If more than one state is assigned to a sensor you can configure if this event should be
evaluated as fulfilled for one sensor or all sensors defined in the list of conditions. It is also
possible to set whether the current values should be used or minimum or maximum for the
current day. Daily minimum and maximum is always calculated since midnight of that day.
Setting a condition based on network device availability (PING).
Setting a condition based on temperature.
Setting a condition based on atmospheric pressure.
Setting a condition based on relative humidity.
Dew point
Setting a condition based on dew point.
Solar Radiation
Setting a condition based on solar radiation.
Wind direction
Setting a condition based on wind direction.