GM 5000EA
EDITION 04/2016
Explosive powder/air mixes!
Danger to life and equipment damage.
Before starting cleaning, rinsing, or other manual work, the high
voltage must be shut down and locked to prevent it from being
switched back on!
The spray gun must be separated from the high-voltage supply
before any cleaning work is started!
Only electrically conductive tanks may be used for cleaning and
fl ushing agents. Ground the tank.
Which cleaning agent is used to clean the spray gun depends
on which parts of the spray gun have to be cleaned and which
product has to be removed. When cleaning the spray gun, only
non-polar cleaning agents
to prevent conductive residues
on the surface of the spray gun. Should it however, be necessary
to use a polar cleaning agent, all residues of this cleaning agent
have to be removed by using a non-conductive and non-polar
cleaning agent, once the cleaning is fi nished.
Preference should be given to non-fl ammable cleaning and
fl ushing agents.
Only cleaning and fl ushing agents, which contain ingredients
of explosion class IIA and IIB may be used (maximum ignition
energy 0.24 mJ).
The cleaning and fl ushing agent's fl ash point must be at least
15 K above the ambient temperature.
Ensure that no electric component is cleaned with or immersed
into solvent.