- All other persons should keep away from the
machine, ropes, and load.
- The operator should try to remove the machine
from contact by moving it in the reverse
direction from that which caused the contact.
- If the machine cannot be moved away from
contact, the operator should remain inside cab
until the lines have been de-energized.
Overhead railway power lines
Loading and unloading is only permissible between
the boundary signs. The signs may be mounted
directly on the power line or on special posts.
Contact authorised railway personnel to obtain
permission to load or unload.
After any breaks in the work, always contact the
railway personnel again.
Underground cables and pipes
Make sure that authorities or companies
responsible for cables and pipes have been
contacted and that their instructions are followed.
Also check which rules apply to ground personnel
regarding exposing cables and pipes. Normally only
the service companies' own personnel may expose
and arrange provisional suspension of cables.
Make use of a signal man when you cannot see the
actual point where you are working or when the
position of the pipe or cable is critical, see page
. The position of the pipe or cable may deviate
from the drawing or distances may be incorrectly
determined. Regard all electrical cables as live.
Operating techniques
Working within dangerous areas