SmartCrystal™ Diamond
n ° : MUV140036
Version : A12
Date : 11/01/2018
This document is the property of the Co VOLFONI and may not be reproduced or disclosed without permission.
Check that the program recognizes the SmartCrystal™ Diamond Controller
As the SmartCrystal™ Diamond Controller is connected, press ‘CHECK FOR UPDATE. If your system uses the latest version, the
program will indicate that your system is up to date. If the version is not the latest, accept and launch the new version loading.
During this process, warning:
Do not disconnect the SCD Controller from your computer
Do not unplug the SCD Controller feeding
Functioning modes, settings, other functions
The SCD Controller has other functions:
Activation/inhibition of the working mode
Settings change
Remote running (Network Operating Center)
Functioning data recording
For further information, refer to the XXXX document (Document in progress, please contact Volfoni support), which contains all the
information. For any question, do not hesitate to contact your support.