SmartCrystal™ Diamond
n ° : MUV140036
Version : A12
Date : 11/01/2018
This document is the property of the Co VOLFONI and may not be reproduced or disclosed without permission.
At the end of the previous adjustment, the superimposition might not be optimum.
The three previous steps need to be repeated, proceeding to a finer fitting until you get a satisfying result. The adjustment is satisfying
when there is no image splitting on the upper half image anymore.
Now as the adjustment of the top image is completed you have to lock it.
To do so, you have to maintain in position the top part of the adjustable wheel (1) then screw (rotate clockwise) the bottom part of
the adjustable wheel (2) until the stop.
The locking can have a slight impact on the ‘Scale/zoom’ size fitting.
In this case you have to unlock the adjustable wheel (do the contrary of the previous step) then start over until finding the good
Fig 29