Use [Pattern] & [CH A/B] hot key to show grid patterns in all projectors. Press [Pattern] key
again will change grid color. To set two different pattern colors in adjacent projectors will be
more convenient during geometry alignment.
Please follow the sequence [2x2]
[9x5] to do geometry alignment to ensure
entire image will have uniform scaling factor.
Apply [2X2 Corner] geometry alignment and draw the corners to expected locations. It doesn
matter to have some image inside the screen once it covers entire screen before 4 corner
adjustment. [Warp] alignment will adjust the image position back to the required position.
Apply [3x3 Curved] geometry alignment to let 9 adjusting points be located at the required
position including four corners, edge center points and center line position.
Please use [5X3] & [9x5] for further geometry alignment and fine-tune. After finish the
alignment, user can use [2x2] for complete image position fine tune. If user executes [3x3]
alignment again after [9x5] alignment, [9x5] grid position will be reset and only keep [3x3] grid
point information.
In ideal condition, all grids in edge blending area between two adjacent projectors should be
aligned together. In some special case, the vertical lines in edge blending area have some gap
and can
’t match 100%. User can adjust [Overlap] value in video wall settings to compensate
this deviation and keep reasonable image quality.
After the above processes, if the grid pattern in edge blending area still can’t stack together,
user can re-align overlap pixels to get more accurate geometry alignment result (see Sect. 4.5)
or use [Gwarp] PC tool to apply 17x17 grid point adjustment.
Geometry alignment range from remote controller can be up to 300 pixels in [2x2] + 300 pixels
more in [3x3] for one corner/edge. If more geometry alignment range is required, please use
Gwarp PC tool to do geometry alignment. PC tool will double the alignment range.
If user finds the grid size between adjacent projectors is different. It means the projection
image sizes between two projectors are different. Please measure the difference and try to
make them have the same dimensions.
4.9 [Video Wall] settings (use [V.WALL] hotkey)
After geometry alignment, it is required to capture image for each projector.