VIVOTEK–Built with Reliability
User's Manual–137
Wi-Fi Configuration:
Configuration options:
Wi-Fi (SSID): Enter a known SSID or search for a nearby AP.
The applicable alpha-numeric
characters are [0-9][a-z][A-Z][-], with a max. length of 64 characters.
APs support three wireless authentication settings that use pre-shared keys:
WPA only (PSK) — The AP accepts connections from wireless devices configured to use WPA with
pre-shared keys.
WPA2 only (PSK) — The AP accepts connections from wireless devices configured to use WPA2 with
pre-shared keys. WPA2 implements the full 802.11i standard. The WPA2 only mode it does not work
with some older wireless network cards.
WPA/WPA2 (PSK) — The AP accepts connections from wireless devices configured to use WPA or
WPA2 with pre-shared keys.
The applicable alpha-numeric characters are [0-9][a-z][A-Z][-], with a max. length of
64 characters.
When connecting to an AP, t
he applicable alpha-numeric characters are [0-9][a-z][A-Z][-], with a
password length between 8 and 63 characters.