Chapter 7: Connecting to the Control Panel
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
Establishes connection to the control panel as in PSTN
communication. It provides a baud rate speed of 300 and performs full
download/upload in ten minutes.
Provides higher quality and speedier connection to the control
panel at a baud rate speed of 9600. It performs full download/upload in one
minute. This type of connection is more reliable since it performs a
checksum (an error-detection scheme) on transmitted messages.
Although some networks use analog communication with satisfaction,
in other networks the quality of this type of communication may be
poor, which means that, in this case, performing uploading is almost
impossible via analog communication.
This problem can be overcome by using one of the two following
methods of using digital communication:
i) The user needs to obtain a digital number for the GSM unit. The
Remote Programmer is then able to connect to the GSM unit via
digital communication (at a baud rate speed of 9600).
DTMF callback connection uses a special GSM modem (Sony
Ericsson Modem GM29) which uses a digital number.
The Remote Programmer dials the GSM unit via analog
communication, but, instead of sending data it uses DTMF tones. The
Remote Programmer sends the download code (numeric, 0-9) and the
phone number (consisting of the Sony Ericsson Modem digital
number). After disconnection, the GSM unit calls back the Sony
Ericsson Modem (via digital communication at 9600 baud rate).
Comm port
field becomes disabled and the field value is the
communications port where the modem is connected.
Baud rate
field displays 300 (analog communication) or 9600 (digital
communication), the baud rate used for telephone modem connection.
and the
Stop bits
fields do not change.