Chapter 7: Connecting to the Control Panel
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
Figure 7-18: Progress Bar
7.1.2 Remote Connection (Telephone Modem)
This is applicable when the Remote Programmer is off-site and the
PowerMax/PowerMaster control panel on-site is connected to Remote Programmer
by a telephone modem.
1. From
Communications mode
drop-down list, select one of the
following communication options:
Modem Type
PSTN direct
Dials to the control panel by the PSTN line at a baud rate of 300.
PSTN callback
Dials to the control panel by the PSTN line at a baud rate of 300. The
control panel calls back.
GSM analog
Dials the GSM unit of the control panel by analog communication at a
baud rate of 300.
GSM digital direct
Dials the GSM unit of the control panel by digital communication at a
baud rate of 9600.
GSM analog callback
Dials the GSM unit of the control panel by analog communication at a
baud rate of 300. The control panel calls back at a baud rate of 9600.
GSM DTMF callback
This form of communication is used when transmission quality is poor.
DTMF signals instruct the panel to call back by digital communication
at a baud rate of 9600, using a Sony Ericsson Modem GM29
GSM digital callback
Dials the GSM unit of the control panel at a baud rate of 9600. The
control panel calls back at a baud rate of 9600.
GSM communication enables the user to initiate both analog and digital
communication, as follows: