Chapter 5: Phantom CineFlash
Reviewing a CineFlash Cine
If the Phantom Cine Flash is in the docking station
click the ‘Open File’ button in the PCC. Navigate to
the folder the Cine file is saved in, highlight the file,
and click the Open button.
If the Phantom CineFlash is in the camera select
the CineFlash Cine file to be reviewed from the:
‘Manager’ tab by highlighting the file, then click
the Play Control Panel, or double mouse-click
on the file.
‘Play’ tab by clicking the down-arrow to the
right of the ‘Cine:’ field and selecting the file
from the pull-down list.
Review the saved Cine using the ‘Video Control’
In PCC click the ‘Manager’ tab, then double-click on
the Phantom camera with the Phantom CineFlash
files to be erased.
In the ‘Live’ tab click on the Flash Memory selector
and click the Erase button.
When the dialog box appears with thumbnails of
the Cines select the appropriate command:
Delete the selected Cine
Delete All the Cines stored on the Phantom
Format the Phantom CineFlash
The software will display an ‘Erasing Flash’
message and an Erasing Flash progress indicator.
Erasing CineFlash Cine Files