Chapter 2: Quick Start Guides
Press the Return, , icon (upper-left) to return
to the Setup Screen.
Press the ‘Capture’ button.
Tap the CSR, (Current Session Reference), button
When prompted tap the Begin button.
Tap the ‘White Balance’ button.
Place a white or neutral non-saturated object in
front of the camera.
When prompted tap the Begin button.
Press the Rec, (Record), button.
Apply a trigger to the camera by depressing
the hardware Trigger’ button (on RCU), or apply
‘Trigger-In’ (TTL pulse) signal to the Trigger
connector on attached Capture cable.
Click the Play button.
Locate the first / last image to be saved by:
Performing a Quick Search:
Rotate the Jog/Scroll dial until desired point in
Cine is achieved, or
Press and hold down on ‘Image Location
Identifier’ arrow, , located just below the
Cine Editor Bar and slide finger right to quickly
advance Cine, slide left to quickly rewind
(present image number is displayed above).
Using Video Control buttons:
Click the Mark-In and Mark-Out buttons to
set the first / last images, respectively, of the Cine
to be saved.
Tap the ‘Save’ button to save the edited RAM Cine
file to the Phantom CineFlash.
Perform CSR
Perform White Balance
(Color Cameras Only)
‘Arm’ Camera
Edit Cine
Save to CineFlash