Panel Options
Display Full Panel
Expands the size of the Camera Selection and Status panel.
Stick Preferences
Enters the Stick Preferences screen, where you can change the
parameters of the camera controls.
These parameters select the behaviour of each axis control to suit your
preferences. For example, pushing the joystick away from you can
cause the head/camera to tilt up or down. Tap to select
is blue) or
(button is black).
This adapts the profile of each axis control to suit your preferences.
Compound (a combination of linear for small movements and
compound for larger movements) is the most common choice.
The Gain is used to set the velocity of the movement of the robotic
camera or lens, with the gain setting of 100 being the fastest speed of
movement. The Deadband setting is used to adjust the amount of play
that is felt in the joystick before the camera or lens starts to move.
Before changing the Gain or Deadband settings for the joysticks, you
should select the desired profile (Compound, Linear or Exponential).
Use the up/down arrows to adjust the gain and deadband settings.
Restores the factory default settings for all the stick preferences.
Stores the current settings of stick preferences in the profile of the
currently logged in user.
Returns to the User Preferences screen without making any changes.
ALWAYS turn off X4 on the control panel before adjusting the zoom profile.
Separate profile, gain and deadband adjustments for the tilt joystick are not provided,
because the pan and tilt settings are synchronised. Any change to the pan gain or
deadband will be replicated in the tilt joystick.
Stick Preferences
The stick preference screen gives you the
option to change the behaviour of the main
camera axis controls. Each axis can be
adjusted as follows: