6. Accessories
Smart Display SD3
The Smart Display is designed for simple connection to controllers with VBus
. It is used
for visualizing data issued by the controller: collector temperature, storage temperature
and energy yield of the solar thermal system. The use of high-efficient LEDs and filter glass
assures a high optical brilliance and good readability even in poor visibility conditions and
from a larger distance. An additional power supply is not required.
DL2 Datalogger
This additional module enables the acquisition and storage of large amounts of data (such
as measuring and balance values of the solar system) over a long period of time. The DL2
can be configured and read-out with a standard internet browser via its integrated web
interface. For transmission of the data stored in the internal memory of the DL2 to a PC,
an SD card can be used.
The DL2 is appropriate for all controllers with VBus
. It can be connected directly to a
PC or router for remote access and thus enables comfortable system monitoring for yield
monitoring or for diagnostics of faults.
/ USB interface adapter
The new VBus
/ USB interface adapter is the interface between the controller and a
personal computer. With its standard mini-USB port it enables a fast transmission of
system data via the VBus
for processing, visualizing and archiving. A full version of the
ServiceCenter software is included.
6. Accessories