Overview of system layouts:
Arr 1 : standard solar system layout
Arr 2 : solar system layout with heat exchange
Arr 1
Arr 2
Arr 3
Arr 4
Arr 5
Arr 6
Arr 7
Arr 8
Arr 9
Arr 10
System layout selection
Adjustment range: 1 ... 10
Factory setting: 1
4. System layout
Adjust the desired system layout of your solar thermal
For a detailed description of the different system layouts
selectable, see chapter 1.4.
If the system layout selection is changed later on, any
previous adjustments which have been made in the other
channels will be lost. Therefore, changing the system layout
is always followed by a security enquiry.
Only confirm the security enquiry if you are sure that
you wish to change the system layout selection!
Security enquiry:
To confirm the security enquiry, press button 3
Arr 9 : solar system layout with heating circuit return
Arr 10: standard solar system layout with heat dump
Arr 7 : solar system layout with 2 collectors and 1 tank
Arr 8 : solar system layout with backup heating by solid fuel
Arr 5 : 2-tank solar system layout with valve logic
Arr 6 : 2-tank solar system layout with pump logic
Arr 3 : solar system layout with backup heating
Arr 4 : solar system layout with vertical tank charging