3.3 Overview of the display in monitoring mode
The illustration below illustrates a typical ZPU-5000 front panel display during normal operation.
1) The address allows quick validation of the connection to the network and the server. The address can be
made up of 2 or 9 characters. The 9-character serial number of the ZPU-5000 is often used to identify the
unit. Unlike a 9-character address which is fixed and cannot be modified, a 2-character address can be
changed for either another 2-character address or a 9-character address.
The acquisition unit has received an IP address and is connected to ZOOM Server;
The acquisition unit has an IP address but is not connected to ZOOM Server;
The acquisition unit does not have an IP address and is not connected to ZOOM Server.
2) Indicates if the unit is connected to the ZOOM network or is in standalone mode.
3) Rotational speed of the monitored unit in RPM.
4) Status flags for the synchronization probe and modulation signal:
(s) = A synchronization probe is detected;
(m) = A modulation signal is detected (moving poles).
5) Rotational direction of the monitored unit: CW = clockwise, CCW = counterclockwise.
6) Indicates the cursor used to toggle between channels. Channel information is displayed at the bottom of
the screen. Pressing ENTER gives access to the sensor’s additional parameters (spectral bands, air gap).
7) Indicates the status of each input. Depending on the number of modules installed, the table can contain up
to 16 inputs. A moving bar graph displays a real time visual cue of the present value. Each half bar
represents 8% of the total range.
ZPU-5000 Acquisition and Processing Unit with ZOOM Version 7.4 - User’s Manual