Boiler structure
The main part of the boiler is a cast-
iron sectional boiler drum made of grey cast iron according to ČSN EN 1561, EN-GJL-150.
Pressurized parts of the boiler meet requirements for the stiffness according to ČSN EN 303-5.
The boiler drum is compiled from sections with help of pressed boiler inserts with a diameter of 56 mm and is fixed by boiler screws. The
sections create a filling well, combustion chamber and ash-pan, water space and convective part of the boiler. The input and output of heating
water is situated in the rear part of the boiler.
The rear section of the boiler, in its upper part, has a chimney pot and a heating water flange; and its bottom parts - a return water flange.
Stocking and ash-pan doors are fixed to the front section. An inclined grate is placed in the feeding chamber. The entire boiler drum is insulated
with health harmlessness mineral insulation that decreases losses by heat transmission into the environment. The steel cladding of the boiler is
painted with high-quality komaxit spray-type painting.
Front section
Middle section
Front section of the combustion chamber
Middle section of the combustion chamber
Rear section of the combustion chamber
Ash-pan door throttle valve
Stocking door throttle valve
Rear throttle valve
Chimney pot
Ash-pan door
Stocking door
Blind flange
Electric fan
Control cabinet
Fig. №. 3
Main parts of the HERCULES E68 boiler
Regulating and safety elements
The stocking door throttle valve regulates the supply of the primary combustion air above the fuel. It is controlled manually with help of a throttle
valve set screw.(see Fig. No.3 position 8) The ash-pan door throttle valve regulates the supply of the secondary combustion air under the
boiler grate. It is controlled manually with help of a throttle valve set screw. (see Fig. No.3 position 7)
The throttle valve in the bottom part of the boiler is designed for the supply of the tertiary air. It is regulated by a adjusting screw. (see Fig. No.3
position 9)
The manometer serves for the determination of water pressure. The well of the manometer sensor is situated in the upper part of the boiler front
The control unit VERA BORD 360 - processes data from boiler output-water temperature sensor (central heating), hot-water temperature in
reservoir (HW) and flue-gases temperature. Based on the data, the system controls the modulating exhaust fan, the CH (central heating) pump
and HW (hot water) pump. Is necessary to thoroughly rinse out the heating system to ensure washing-up of all impurities.
The end-limit switch of the stocking door
– switches-on the exhaust fan upon each opening of the stocking door (opening of the end-limit switch)
to maximum power, and - by this - prevents from escaping smoke flue gases into the room where the boiler is installed. After the stocking door
is closed (closing of the end-limit switch), the fan power will return to the automatic mode.
Excessive heat exhausting device - See chapter 3.3.