Check water quantity in the heating system on the manometer.
Open the stop valve between the boiler and heating system.
Clean up the space in the bottom part of the combustion chamber (the space in front of the nozzle), fire grate, ash-pan, flue channels and
boiler walls.
Set the upper throttle valve of primary air intake in the first part of the boiler into the position of opening - 45 mm. (depending on a way of
combustion, correction may be carried out) (see Fig. 28 position I.)
Keep close the bottom throttle valve of the air supply under the grate. (see Fig. No.28 position II.)
Set the rear throttle valve of tertiary iar intake into the position of oipenning - 5 mm. (see Fig. No.28 position III.)
Insert kindling wood on the bottom grate and ignite. (See Fig. 27 to the left)
For the next procedure, please refer to Chapter 5 “Basic servicing of the regulator for users” (Mode of kindling, operation) in a separate
Control unit VERA BORD 360
Fig. №. 26 Control panel of the VERA BORD 360 control unit of the HERCULES E68 boiler
Close the stocking door of the boiler and let fire burning.
When flame is missing and glowing base remains, open slowly the stocking door and insert fuel where necessary. (See Fig.27 to the right)
Wait until the newly added fuel burns up, and set the upper throttle valve of the primary air input as necessary.
By reason of thermal properties of cast iron, the operational characteristics of the HERCULES E68 boiler differs from the boilers with a
steel boiler drum. Burning to the operation temperature lasts longer, but boilers after heating-up have higher thermal inertia.
Fig. №. 27 Kindling in the HERCULES E68 boiler
Indicator lamp of alarm
Indicator lamp of the central heating pump
Indicator lamp of the DHW pump
Indicator lamp of the valve
Indicator lamp of the storage tank pump
Indicator lamp of the ventilator
Temperature of DHW
Indicator lamp signalizing stop of regulator operation
Push-button for the access into the menu and for the
switching-over between displays
Push-button terminating regulator operation (STOP)
Push-button for the change of the required value (Up)
Push-button for the change of the required value (Down)
Indicator lamp signalizing regulator operation
Push-button switching-on the ventilator (START)