NetSure 502NGFB Installation Manual (Section 6009)
Rev. Z
Configuring the NCU Identification of Rectifiers and Assigning Which Input Feed Is Connected to the
When rectifiers are all installed prior to applying power and starting the system, the order in which the NCU
identifies the rectifiers is by serial number (lowest serial number is Rect 1, next lowest is Rect 2, etc.). If you
prefer the NCU to identify the rectifiers by position in the system, perform the following procedure.
Upon power up, the NCU arbitrarily assigns Feed AC1, AC2, or AC3 to each rectifier. This assignment is used to
display rectifier AC input feed voltage(s). The User may reassign the feed to each rectifier per your specific
installation by following the procedure below.
Local Menu Navigation:
Web Menu Navigation:
Refer to the NCU Instructions (UM1M830BNA) for detailed instructions.
NCU Alarm Relay Check
The following procedures can be used to verify operation of the external alarm relays in a Power System
equipped with an NCU with the factory default configuration. Note that alarm relays on an NCU with a custom
configuration may operate differently.
There are two methods to check alarm relays. The first is by actually causing an alarm. The
second is by using the NCU alarm relay check function. The first method is used in the following
procedures. Refer to the NCU User Instructions (UM1M830BNA) for instructions using the NCU alarm
relay check function.
Checking the AC Fail Alarm
Battery must be connected during this procedure.
Verify system is operating and no alarms are present.
Verify the NCU displays the Main screen. If not, press ESC repeatedly to return to the Main screen.
Open the external AC disconnect(s) or protective device(s) that supply power to all of the rectifier
An audible alarm sounds. Alarm will be silenced in Requirement d.
On subject rectifier module(s), the “Protection” indicator goes from off to yellow.
After approximately 30 seconds, the green “Power” and yellow “Protection” indicators go off.
NCU “Critical/Major” alarm indicator goes from off to red.
NCU displays “Rect AC Fail” alarm.
To see the specific alarm(s), navigate to the Alarm Menu and press ENT. The Active Alarm screen
lists two critical alarms. “Power System CAN Comm Fail Critical” is displayed. Scroll down by
pressing the down arrow key. “Rect Mains Failure Critical” is displayed.