Operation and maintenance, Discfilter HPF2200-series PFLC
3.1 Reception
Once the equipment has been delivered and received it must be checked for transport damage.
Document any transport damage before further handling of the equipment. The consignme-
nt note, manual and spare part kit are attached to the equipment. Check all parts against the
consignment note. Some parts may be delivered unassembled. Handle fragile parts with care.
Refer to section 4.1 before lifting the equipment.
3.2 Storage
Some precautions must be taken to prevent damage to equipment if a long storage time is ne-
cessary (several weeks or more):
The equipment should preferably be stored indoors, in a frost-free area.
The filter must be protected against direct sunlight if stored outdoors. Heat and UV radiation
can damage the filter panels and the control panel touch screen.
If the filters are delivered inside plastic covered wooden crates, a special type of corrosion can
occur if stored outdoors, especially in coastal areas. The moisture inside the plastic acts as an
anode and the exposed dry components as a cathode. In these areas, filters must therefore be
unpacked immediately upon delivery.