Operation and maintenance, Discfilter HPF2200-series PFLC
4.2 Installation site
4.2.1 Outdoor installation
In the event of outdoor installation it is important to protect the filter panels against direct sun-
light, as heat and UV radiation otherwise can cause damage to the filter panels. The same applies
to the control panel touch screen.
The equipment must be protected against temperatures below freezing point. At water tempe-
ratures above +5°C and air temperatures above -10°C the filter cover provides sufficient protec-
tion. At lower water and air temperatures, filter installation should be indoors.
4.2.2 Foundations
The filter must be installed on a flat surface
that offers sufficient load bearing capacity.
The filter is to be bolted to the foundation.
The filter must be level in both directions
(see Figure 4.4).
600 mm wide aisles should be laid out
around the filter to permit easy access to the
filter during service work.
The gap between the filter and the concre-
te structure must be sealed for safety reasons
and to keep out foreign objects that can cause
blockages in the backwash system.
4.3 Electrical connection
Qualified electricians must perform all electrical work.
Electrical connection must be done in accordance with local regulations. Check that the settings
on the motor protection correspond with the motor data.
Section 4.5 must be read before starting the filter’s drum rotation.
Figure 4.4 Installation av filter