Operation and maintenance, Discfilter HPF2200-series PFLC
7.1 Backwash system
The most common cause of operating disruptions in the backwash system is clogged nozzles.
Clogging is caused by particles in the wash water and/or by e.g. biofouling in the pipe system.
7.1.1 Servicing conventional nozzles
1. Set the mode selector to the HAND position.
2. Open the cover on the side where the backwash pipe is located.
3. Extend the backwash ramp (see Figure 7.2).
3. Open the bypass valve (see Figure 7.1).
4. Close the main valve. The water flow can later be adjusted with the bypass valve so that it
flows a little, yet with a constant flow through the nozzles. This makes it easy to determine which
nozzles that needs to be cleaned.
5. Start drum rotation and the backwash pump.
Figure 7.1 Main valve and bypass valve for checking the nozzles.
Figure 7.2 Filter with the spraybar ramp extended