Operation and maintenance, Discfilter HPF2200-series PFLC
8. Check whether any of the nozzles are clogged by checking whether water runs through them.
Clogged nozzles are cleaned as follows:
9. Remove the nozzle nut by turning it a ¼ turn anticlockwise. Exercise care not to lose the rubber
10. Clean the tip of the nozzle with compressed air or a plastic brush. Never use a wire brush,
metal pins or similar as these can damage the nozzle.
11. Assemble the parts in the reverse order. Make sure the nozzle nut reaches the stop position
when turned a ¼ turn, clockwise.
12. Place the backwash ramp in its original position.
13. Open the main valve to the backwash water.
14. Close the cover.
15. Before restarting operations. Check the placement of the spraying arms and verify that no
arms has been bent out of position during the check of the nozzles.
16. Start operations again as set out in section 5.1.
WARNING! It is important that the nozzle nuts (see Figure 7.3) are refitted correctly after the
nozzles have been cleaned.
Figure 7.3 Nozzle components.