The electrical supply must be at the capacity to supply the device and
existing circuits. To protect the device, a fuse proportional to the current of
the device must be connected to the power supply line.
Check the fuse box for a main fuse of 40A or higher and an independent
fuse to connect the device. If the fuse panel has a main fuse lower than
40A or there is no independent fuse line to be connected to the pan, a new
line should be laid on the installation site's electrical installation or directly
to the device itself and secured with a fuse so that the electrical installation
can be done.
The device must be connected to its own independent power line; Lighting,
bell or oven line.
The protective earth wire must be connected to the exposed metal parts of
the other devices at the installation site and to the grounding line where the
device is installed in compliance with TSE standards.
The shortest cable distance between the fuse panel and the device must be
used to obtain maximum efficiency from the device. The cable length is also
important in terms of circuit break time and temperature limitations. There
is an allowable maximum cable length limitation in the combination of
current requirement, voltage drop and a line to be formed at the cable
crossing angle.
If the cords are surrounded by thermal insulation, are installed inside a wall,
passed at a temperature higher than 30 ° C, or are twisted together, the
amount of current passing through the cable is reduced. To obtain the same
current values, a larger cable cross section must be selected.
It is recommended to use a minimum 4 x 2.5 mm² cable for installation of
the device, considering that the cable cross section to be used must be
proportional to the power of the device.