6 Set up with the display and adjustment module
SOLITRAC 31 • Profibus PA
When the instrument is shipped, address 126 is set. This address can
be used to test the function of the instrument and to connect it to a
Profibus PA network. Then the address must be changed to integrate
additional instruments.
The address setting is carried out either via:
The address selection switch in the electronics compartment of
the instrument (address setting via hardware)
The display and adjustment module (address setting via software)
PACTware/DTM (address setting via software)
Hardware addressing is effective if an address less than 126 is set
with the address selection switches on the electronics module of
SOLITRAC 31. In such case, software addressing has no effect - only
the set hardware address applies.
Software addressing is only effective if address 126 or higher is set
on the instrument with the address selection switches.
If a hardware address was adjusted (< 126), then the instrument
signals that the hardware address is active.
In this menu item you can assign an unambiguous name to the sen-
sor or measurement loop. Push the "
" key to start the editing. With
the "
" key you change the sign and with the "
>" key you jump to the
next position.
You can enter names with max. 19 characters. The character set
Capital letters from A … Z
Numbers from 0 … 9
Special char - / _ blanks
In this menu item you can adjust the SOLITRAC 31 to the isotope
installed in the source container.
For this purpose, check which isotope is in the source container. You
can find this information on the type label of the source container.
Hardware addressing
Software addressing
Measurement loop name