Display Systems
Bit# 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1st Byte
2nd Byte
Set Broadcast bit “1” to broadcast
Always set to “0” (reserved)
Set Near Local Port to “0” (ignored)
Set Far Local Port to “0” (ignored)
Network Address
(ignored if broadcast bit is set to “1”)
Figure B-3. Format of Address Field
Set the Broadcast flag to "0" if a specific projector
is to respond, set to "1" if all projectors are to
respond. Always set Bit 14 to "0" and, if at all
possible, set Bits 10, 11, 12 and 13 to “0” as well.
Bits 0 through 9 contain the Network Address.
Possible Network Addresses are shown in Table
B-2 (decimal values shown). For the Destination
Address field, you should use a projector number.
For the Source field, use the network controller
address (note that the value for a projector
number may require an ESC — see Transport
Layer codes, above).
Table B-2. Network Address Assignments
Start Finish
Device Type
0 999
1000 1009
1010 1019
1020 1022
1023 1023
B.6.2 BODY
The body of a message can consist of one or more bytes, depending on the number of details
required to complete the specific command at hand.
The first byte of the message body represents the type of message being issued. There are three
types of messages: a
message, a
message, or a
message. For example, the
first byte may be “
Power” (turn the projector on or off) or “
Channel” (find out what the
channel is) or “
with Signal Status” (relay the current channel number). The binary message
codes for each possible command are listed in Table B-3.
The next byte(s) is the actual hex value for the parameter in question. For example, to set the
volume to “0” this second byte must be “00”. To set it to 64, this byte must be “$40”. Each parameter
(there may be more than one, depending on the command) requires at least one byte in the
message. Refer to Table B-3 for a list of message codes and parameter codes. Examples of entire
specific commands using these codes appear in Table B-4.
Most “Request” messages have no parameter data.
Do not broadcast a Request to more than one projector.
“Set” and “Reply” messages usually have the same data in the same format.
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