9. Internal IMU Attitude channels (Head_imu, Pitch_imu, Roll_imu, Pos.Qual., Lng_Jerk, Lat_Jerk and Head_imu2)
will automatically be set to log. If IMU Attitude data is required to be displayed as a Live Serial data display (with
VBOX Test Suite), then the user must enter
and tick the channels for '
Send over serial
10. Perform
initialisation and full calibration
procedure before commencing testing.
11. If the IMU is not mounted on a flat surface, perform '
Pitch/Roll Offset
' calibration.
This will zero the Pitch_imu and Roll_imu channels. Angle offsets calibration must be performed after the
IMU kalman filter calibration has been completed, and the vehicle is static on a level surface.
12. If ADAS testing is being conducted, ensure the ADAS Mode menu shows '
This setting changes the rate at which the kalman filter takes a GPS positional sample to improve the positional
performance of the filter. Whilst this is beneficial to ADAS testing, it slightly decreases the accuracy of the filtered
speed and therefore shouldn't be selected when undertaking speed based testing such as brake stops.
Note: Option not available with IMU03.