CAN Delay with IMU Integration
When IMU Integration, the CAN Delay is automatically set to ‘Fixed’; the speed and position delay is 20 ms.
IMU Integration CAN Delay Example
ADAS Modes
• Static Point and Lane Departure: 20 ms; Total delay: 20 ms.
• All vehicle separation modes with a Static Base Station or NTRIP solution: 20 ms + 4 samples; Total delay: 60 ms.
• All vehicle separation modes with a Moving Base solution: 20 ms + 5 samples; Total delay: 70 ms.
• Static Point and Lane Departure: 4 ms (+/- 1.5); Total delay: 4 ms (+/- 1.5 ms).
• All vehicle separation modes with a Static Base Station or NTRIP solution: 4 ms (+/- 1.5) + 4 samples; Total
delay: 44 ms (+/- 1.5 ms).
• All vehicle separation modes with a Moving Base solution: 4 ms (+/- 1.5) + 5 samples; Total delay: 54 ms (+/- 1.5