Level Antennas
The Pitch measurement uses the relative height difference between the antennas to calculate the Pitch Angle relative to
the ground. If the roof of your vehicle is not perfectly flat in relation to the ground, then this will show up as a Pitch offset.
You can automatically remove any offset by performing the '
Auto Level
' feature available on VBOX Manager.
Note that any existing antenna level offset from a previous setup should be removed by using the '
' function. This
should be completed before the
Auto Level
It is recommended that you perform the
Auto Level
on a flat, level section of road.
Selecting the
option will remove
any offset applied to the
pitch channel.
Slip Angle Translation
In Dual Antenna mode you may wish to take slip measurements from other locations on the vehicle, for instance the
centre of gravity or slip over the wheels. This can be set using the Slip Translation function in VBOX Manager. The five
additional locations are set using
offsets from the primary antenna location (antenna 1 in
the picture below).
VB3iD/VB3iDR - IMU assistance:
When an IMU module is connected to the VB3iSL, the yaw rate channel will be used
in the calculated slip channels, as the signal to noise ratio is much lower than the GPS derived yaw rate. Therefore no
extra noise is added during the slip translation process.