does not follow. So you should check that the Termination is correctly set for the output socket that you are then using.
VB3i CAN Delay
When to Use the Fixed CAN Delay?
‘Fixed CAN Delay’ is recommended for use when using an external event marker or trigger, or for other external CAN
devices that require precisely timed CAN outputs. This is the default setting.
‘Fixed’ and ‘Minimum’ CAN Delay
When CAN Delay is set to ‘Fixed’, the speed delay is 15.5 ms and the position delay is 20 ms. When CAN delay is set to
‘Minimum’, the speed delay is 4 ms (±1 ms) and the position delay is 8.5 ms (±1.5 ms). The data comes out faster in the
‘Minimum’ setting, but the delay is unpredictable.
Note: Do not use Minimum CAN Delay mode if you are using a lot of Racelogic input modules connected to the CAN
bus as the variability of the output could cause loss of samples from the modules.