background image

-  5  -

of purchasing a new identical tool. The illegal disposal 

of waste may result in prosecution to the full extent of 

the law.


Battery disposal

: The batteries included in the equip-

ment can be disposed of along with it. 


Do not throw the used batteries on the fire and do not 

dispose of them in the environment, but take them to 

special disposal centres. Do not dispose of them with 

domestic waste.

15  Cadmium content over 0.002% in weight.


1) Always check the efficiency and integrity of the tool. It 

can cause serious injury to the user.

2) Keep a safe distance from property, people and animals 

and do not allow them to approach while you are wor-


3) Do not use the tool and do not charge the batteries in 

closed or poorly ventilated areas or in the presence of 

flammable and/or explosive liquids, powders, gases or 

anything else of this kind.

4) To prevent overloads that may be hazardous to the tool 

and operator, only use bits or accessories suited for the 

job to be performed and turn the tool off when a slight 

motor slowing is perceived.

5) Never remove any tool components and do not tamper 

with it in any way.

6) Make sure that the object to be processed is firmly 

secured in place.  

7) Always check that accessories and bits are correctly 

tight before using the tool.

8) The operator is responsible for third parties in the tool 

work area.

9) Tie long hair back and do not wear bracelets or long 

necklaces as they could get caught up in the moving 

parts of the machine.

10) During work, always wear suitable safety goggles 

and gloves.

11) Always keep a safe distance and good balance when 

working with the tool.

12) Only use the on/off button to stop the tool.

13) When the tool and battery charger are not in use, store 

them in a dry place out of reach of children.

14) Do not attempt to repair the tool and battery charger; 

if broken, in case of abnormal wear or malfunctioning, 

have qualified personnel at authorised service centres in-

spect them after having consulted the “Troubleshooting” 

chapter in this handbook.

15) Only use this tool as instructed in this handbook.

16) Periodically check that all screws on the casing are 

tight, where fitted.

17) The tool and battery charger must only be connected 

when charging the batteries.


1) The battery charger power mains must supply vol-

tage equal to that stated on the technical data plate 

(230V~50Hz), and must be protected from overloads 

and short circuits according to current regulations. Do 

not use any other type of power supply.

2) Avoid that the power cord of the battery charger is 

damaged or trod upon when functioning. Do not pull the 

battery charger by the cable.

3) Any extension cables must have a section of electric 

wires greater than or equal to that required to supply the 

current absorbed by the battery charger.

4) Do not use the tool in the rain, in damp areas or on wet 

surfaces and at temperatures other than those indicated 

in the “Technical Specifications” chapter.

5) When charging the batteries, do not use the tool and 

make sure that any tool lights/LEDs are off.

6) Disconnect the battery charger from the power supply 

when not charging the batteries.

7) Do not charge batteries if room temperature is higher or 

lower than the normal operating range (see “Technical 

Specifications” chapter).


The tool batteries may not be charged upon purchase. 

Before use, fully charge the batteries by inserting the battery 

charger plug in the tool socket before connecting the charger 

to the power supply (see figure B). See the attached sheet 

for battery charge times.

According to the purchased model, tool connection to the 

power supply may be indicated by a LED (see figure A).

Do not use the tool while charging.

When fully charged, disconnect the battery charger from 

the power supply and then from the tool.

-  Before every use, check battery charge level by pressing 

the indicator device button (where fitted) and test it making 

it run idly. To guarantee long battery life, only charge 

batteries before use if depleted and if do not allow the 

tool to work efficiently. 

-  According to the purchased model, insert the required bit 

or accessory in the chuck, first inserting the accessory 

holder (where fitted) as illustrated in figure C.

-  For models with built-in light only: Turn the tool light 

on using the switch as required. This light may not be 

enough to guarantee adequate illumination of the entire 

work area.

-  For models equipped with tightening torque adjustment de-

vice only (fig. E): turn the nut to set screwing/unscrewing 

tightening torque as illustrated in Fig. E. If, during use, the 

set torque is exceeded, a noise will be emitted from the 

internal clutch device and the chuck stops rotating; this is 

normal and is not a tool defect. According to the model, 

the clutch device may be disabled (position 

) in order 

to set maximum motor torque, always to be used when 


-  Press and hold down the on/off button in the position that 

corresponds to the required chuck rotation direction.

-  Release the button to stop the tool after use.

-  For models with built-in light only: Turn the light off after 


Notes on battery use

Improper battery use shortens battery life and reduces 

supplied power. Therefore:

1) Charge the batteries when fully depleted and until fully 

charged. Intentionally deplete the batteries before char-

ging them and starting work.  

2) Do not charge batteries for more than the time indicated 

in this handbook.

3) If you usually use the tool for a short time, periodically 

fully deplete and fully charge the batteries.

Summary of Contents for 1422528

Page 1: ... E INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD Instrucciones originales âéäùôéêü ìðáôáñßáò ÅÃ ÅÉÑÉÄÉÏ ÏÄÇÃÉÙÍ ÑÇÓÇÓ ÊÁÉ ÏÄÇÃÉÙÍ ÁÓÖÁËÅÉÁÓ Ðñùôüôõðåò ïäçãßåò ATTENZIONE Prima di usare la macchina leggete attentamente le istruzioni per l uso CAUTION Before starting the machine read the operating instructions carefully ATTENTION Avant la mise en service de la machine lire scrupuleusement le mode d emploi ATENCIÓN Ant...

Page 2: ...ntri di raccolta o riconsegnati al venditore nel caso di acquisto di una apparecchiatura nuova analoga Lo smaltimento abusivo dei rifiuti comporta l applicazione di sanzioni amministrative 14 Smaltimento batterie Le batterie incluse nell appa recchio possono essere smaltite assieme ad esso Non gettate nel fuoco e non disperdete nell ambiente le batterie esauste ma consegnatele agli appositi centri...

Page 3: ...igura E Se durante l uso si supera la coppia impostata è avvertibile il rumore del dispositivo di frizione interno e il mandrino smette di girare ciò è normale e non rappresenta un difetto dell apparecchio A seconda del modello è possibile che il dispositivo di frizione sia disinseribile posizione allo scopo di poter disporre della massima coppia erogata dal motore da utilizzarsi sempre per operaz...

Page 4: ...he vendor in the event of purchasing a new identical tool The illegal disposal of waste may result in prosecution to the full extent of the law Battery charger 5 Technical specifications 6 IMPORTANT 7 Carefully read the instruction handbook before use and whenever necessary 8 For indoor use only 9 Safety transformer where fitted 10 Double insulation construction 11 Thermal protection device where ...

Page 5: ... the cable 3 Any extension cables must have a section of electric wires greater than or equal to that required to supply the current absorbed by the battery charger 4 Do not use the tool in the rain in damp areas or on wet surfaces and at temperatures other than those indicated in the Technical Specifications chapter 5 When charging the batteries do not use the tool and make sure that any tool lig...

Page 6: ...tances for the environment and human health It should therefore not be disposed of with domestic waste but by means of differentiated collection at specific centres or returned to the vendor in the event of purchasing a new identical appliance The illegal disposal of such equipment may result in prosecution to the full extent of the law Battery disposal The batteries included in the equip ment can...

Page 7: ...déchets ménagers en les apportant dans les centres de collecte sélective prévus à cet effet ou remis au revendeur lors de l achat d un appareil neuf similaire L élimination abusive des déchets est punie par l application de sanctions administratives 14 Élimination des batteries Les batteries incluses dans l appareil peuvent être éliminées avec celui ci Ne jetez pas les batteries usées sur le feu n...

Page 8: la commande s il peut s avérer utile à votre travail Il se peut toutefois que la lumière ne soit pas suffisante pour assurer un éclairage approprié de la zone de travail dans son ensemble Seulement sur les modèles équipés d un dispositif de réglage du couple de serrage fig E tournez la bague pour régler le couple de serrage de vissage dévissage comme indiqué sur la figure E Lorsque vous utilise...

Page 9: batteries usées sur le feu ni dans l en vironnement apportez les dans les centres de collecte spécifiques pour leur élimination Ne les jetez pas avec les déchets ménagers Modifications Les textes les figures et les données correspondent aux standards en vigueur au moment de l impression de ce manuel Le fabricant se réserve la faculté de mettre à jour la documentation si des modifications sont a...

Page 10: se deben eliminar con los desechos domésticos sino que se deben llevar a un centro de recolección adecuado o entregar al revendedor en caso de adquisición de un nuevo aparato análogo La eliminación no autorizada de los desechos implica la aplicación de sanciones administrativas 14 Eliminación de las pilas Las pilas incluidas en el aparato pueden eliminarse junto al mismo No arroje al fuego las ...

Page 11: ...ienda la luz del aparato con el mando correspondiente Esta luz puede no ser suficiente para garantizar una iluminación correcta de toda el área de trabajo Solo modelos equipados con dispositivo de regulación del par de torsión fig E gire la abrazadera para determinar el par de torsión de atornillado destornillado como se indica en la figura E Si durante el uso se supera el par fijado se advertirá ...

Page 12: ...r la calle Entréguelas a un centro de recogida especia lizado cuando necesite deshacerse de ellas No las elimine junto a los desechos domésticos Modificaciones los textos figuras y datos corresponden al estándar actualizado en la época de impresión del presente manual El fabricante se reserva la facultad de actualizar el manual si se aportaran variaciones a la máquina GARANTÍA El producto está tut...

Page 13: ...8 ÁðïêëåéóôéêÜ ãéá åóùôåñéêÞ ñÞóç 9 Ìåôáó çìáôéóôÞò áóöáëåßáò áí õðÜñ åé 10 ÊáôáóêåõÞ ìå äéðëÞ ìüíùóç 11 ÄéÜôáîç èåñìéêÞò ðñïóôáóßáò áí õðÜñ åé 12 Áñéèìüò óåéñÜò Þ êáé ôçò ðáñôßäáò ðáñáãùãÞò 13 Ôá çëåêôñéêÜ êáé çëåêôñïíéêÜ áðïññßììáôá ìðïñåß íá ðåñéÝ ïõí ïõóßåò åðéêßíäõíåò ãéá ôï ðåñéâÜëëïí êáé ôçí áíèñþðéíç õãåßá Äåí ðñÝðåé óõíåðþò íá äéáôßèåíôáé ìå ôá ïéêéáêÜ áëëÜ ìÝóù ùñéóôÞò óõëëïãÞò óôá áíôßó...

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