© Valeport Limited 2003
MIDAS Surveyor Operating Manual
Page 33
Click on the Translate tab at the top of the page.
To save memory space, all data is logged in the instrument and uploaded to PC in binary format. The first stage in
converting the data to a viewable state is to translate it in into ASCII text. Click on the “Translate Binary to ASCII” button.
A standard Windows “open file” box will appear, in which the required binary file should be highlighted. Again note that
more than one file can be selected if required.
On clicking Open, the translation process begins. All data will be turned into ASCII text exactly as it was logged, with no
data processing or interpolation occurring.
To allow the data to be viewed as graphical and time series plots, all data points must be correctly time stamped. This
requires a further translation process from ASCII format into “Valeport” format. This process interpolates the precise time
of each data point to enable a time series of each parameter to be created.
Simply click the “Translate ASCII to Valeport” button, and select the required file. The Valeport format file will then be
generated. For details of how to view this file, see the next section.
Finally, the Valeport format file may be further translated into an XYZ (CAD) file of 3 dimensional data. Click the
“Translate Valeport to XYZ” button, and select the required file. The XYZ file will then be generated. For details of how
to view this file, refer to Section 5.6.2.