F029 BCR not ready
Position reader initialization timeout,
not ready fo operation message from
position reader, conection interrupt
ed, Position reader defective
Check cabling, exchange barcode
F030 PCB HW Init Fail
PCB initializating failure
Check cabling, check if the IC-PCB-2K
module is alive, check the polarity
F031 PCB HW Stat Fail
PCB Hardware Status fault
Check cabling, check position reader,
fault reset
F032 PCB ID Range
Carrier number is too big, bus identifi
er wrong parametrized
Check parameters
F033 PCB ID changed
Carrier number has changed
Unplug the USB cable from the con
troller, cycle the power on the control
ler of fault reset
F034 Data stick Fail
No data stick connected or data stick
Exchange the data stick, plug in data
F035 Speed Ctrl Error
Speed regulation faulty, wrong pa
rameter setting
Check parameters, check the carrier
for smooth running
F036 Pos. Override
Positioning fault, position overrun
Check parameter setting
(speed@50Hz), fault reset, move carri
er to the position manually
F038 PCB 60V Error
60V PCB voltage missing
Check the copper rail, check cabling
F039 NoDist.Altern
Code band position did not change al
though there was frequency output
on the VFD
Check for mechanical obstructions,
check if the clutch is engaged, check
speed settings in the PLC
F040 APOS Hardware
Hardware fault in the APOS optic
reading head
Change APOS optic, change controller
F041 BCR No Barcode
No position
Check code band, check the align
ment of the position reader, fault re
set, change APOS, change controller
F045 APOS Meas Range
APOS measuring range exceeded
Check code band, check alignment,
check APOS, change APOS
F047 APOS Temperature
Temperature in the APOS reading
head exceeded its limits
Check ambient temperature, improve
cooling, check APOS reading head,
change APOS reading head
F049 APOS No Posvalue
APOS reading head delivers no plausi
ble values
Check APOS reading head, change
APOS reading head
F052 SPI fault
SPI bus fault internal, erroneous com
munication at internal/external data
storage system
Check data connector and exchange if
required, exchange control unit
F061 Status fault 9
Freely definable fault message, the
condition can be freely parameterized
Depending on the parametrization
F062 Status fault 10
F065 Antiv. STOP-Conf
Antivalence fault in the parameter
ized Stop-Configuration (e.g. Anti Col
lision sensor)
Check the cabling to the sensor,
change sensor