1 Diving at Reduced Risk with Aladin
Pro Ultra
IV Uwatec
Pro Ultra
1.4 Response in increased risk situations
If the dive includes an increased risk situation, Aladin
Pro Ultra reacts automatically to warn the diver of
this risk and increase required decompression, as the case may be. A change of decompression may be
indicated to minimize the risk. The diver can further reduce the risk by following conservative diving prac-
tices on the next dive and at the same time prevent long decompression stops.
A few examples are on the following pages:
Situation 1:
The diver ascends too rapidly:
Reaction of computer:
The model calculates the formation of bubbles due to the excessively rapid
ascent. The no-stop time is shortened or a longer (and eventually at greater
depth) decompression prescription is displayed in order to assure increased
decompression. See pages 37, 42 and 43.
Recommended response of the diver:
During the dive:
Observe the new decompression prescription shown by Aladin
Pro Ultra.
After the dive:
• Watch for symptoms of arterial gas embolism and decompression sickness.
• Seek immediate medical attention at a recompression chamber should any
signs or symptoms of decompression sickness appear.
• Before the next dive, plan a sufficiently long interval (display <Atn> should have
An exessive ascent rate can lead to serious injury or death from decompressi-
on sickness. Failure to seek IMMEDIATE treatment for any signs or symptoms
of decompression sickness after a dive may result in serious injury or death.