Your Reliable Partner in Industrial IoT
Page 23
Operation mode
Operation mode
TCP keep-alive interval
Set the time
Local TCP port
Set local port
Apply the configuration
Apply to all serial ports
If the setting for all the ports are the same, check it
3. Operation Steps
Step 1.
Click “Port config”
Step 2.
Set remote pair slave mode as operation mode, click “Apply”
Step 3.
If need to set it as default, click “save & reboot”-“Apply”
7.1.7 RFC2217 Mode
1. Interface Description
RFC2217 is a standard protocol that can instantly modify the serial port parameters of the device
through Ethernet. After sending the command of this protocol to the device, if it meets the
requirements, it will perform the action of setting the serial port parameters without returning any
content. If the verification is wrong or the protocol is wrong, it will be regarded as the ordinary data
packet to be forwarded through the serial port.The interface is shown as bellow:
2. Keyword Explanations
Operation mode
Operation mode
TCP keep-alive interval
Set the time
Local TCP port
Set the local port number
Frame length
Set the frame length
Set the separator
Enable the separator
Separator process
Set the separator process
Separator time out
Set the separator time out
Apply the configuration
Apply to all serial ports
If the setting for all the ports are the same, check it
3. Operation Steps
Step 1.
Click “Port config”
Step 2.
Set RFC2217 mode as operation mode, click “Apply”