Pg. 50 di 80
From the master configuration programme it is possible to enable or disable the creation of some errors,
and set some device options.
If the option “Further module diagnostics” is disabled, no module error is generated.
Parameter table
Diag: Main Power Loss 24V
Enable or disable the creation of the diagnostics in case of lack of
power supply for outputs (VA24).
Diag: Module Fail
Enable or disable the creation of the diagnostics in case of faulty
Diag: Output Fail
Enable or disable the creation of the diagnostics in case of overload or
short circuit of the outputs.
Diag: High Noise Level
Enable or disable the creation of the diagnostics in case of high level of
Diag: Input Power Loss 24V
Enable or disable the creation of the diagnostics in case of lack of
supply on the input modules.
Input response time
Low: Environment Input filter very disturbed (> 50mS).
Fast: Max. input sampling rate (< 50mS).
The response time depends on the number of inputs and outputs of the
Default: Low.
Further module diagnostics
If enabled one dignostics for each module will be created.
Mode manifold first
If True, the integrated manifold will use the first 3 bytes of the allocated
If False, the integrated manifold will use the last 3 bytes of the allocated
What to do in case of CPU
Select the desired behaviour in case of master CPU STOP.
“Switch off the outputs” if you want to switch off automatically all the
“Keep the last value” if you want to keep all the outputs like they
were in the latest status.
(in that case pay attention to the dangerous conditions that may be
generated in the system).
Default “Switch off all the outputs”.
Diag: Power Clamp Fail
Enable or disable the creation of a diagnostics in case of error by the
electric power clamp (FAIL output of the power clamp activated).
Diag: Power Clamp Control
Command Fail
Enable or disable the creation of a diagnostics in case of overload or short
circuit of one or more outputs on one or more power clamp control output.
Power Clamp Lag time
between the control of one electric power clamps to the following one
(25…400mS in steps of 25mS).
Default: 150mS
Simultaneous Power Clamp
Number of power clamps that may be activated in the same moment
Default: 8.
Nota: if not configurated, all the functions are enabled.
The procedure to modify the configuration parameters depends on the used master software.
In the following page you can see an example of the menu shown in “Unit parameters” of the software
“TIA Porta” di Siemens.