Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Marvel Mini
Subject to change without notice.
120.9-IM (1218)
Sensor Filtering
AIN 01>7 AIN 06>5
AIN 02>5 AIN 07>5
AIN 03>9 AIN 08>5
AIN 04>5 AIN 09>5
AIN 05>5
AIN 10>5
The sensor filtering value takes a number of readings over a
period of time and outputs the average value over a period
of time for the number of readings The higher the number,
the more readings will be allowed over a period of time
Analog Output 1
ECM Press
Minimum> 3.0vdc
Maximum> 10.0vdc
Analog Output 2
Air Econo
Minimum> 2.0vdc
The Analog Output screens above allow for component
adjustment of Minimum and Maximum allowable vdc
output for that component enabled under that particular
Analog Output In the examples above, Analog Output 1
is enabling for ECM Press or ECM Blower for variable air
volume duct pressure control The Minimum Output voltage
to the Electronically Commutated Motor is 30 volts dc This
means the blower will always be 30% of the maximum when
the blower is on Airside Economizer is enabled on Analog
Output 2 The minimum output is adjusted to 20 volts
dc This is simply because the type of damper actuators
installed is a 20 to 100 vdc type
Manual Dig-Out
01>Compressor 1 >Auto
02>Compressor 2 >Auto
03>Compressor 3 >Auto
04>Compressor 4 >Auto
Manual Dig-Out
07>Supply Blower >Auto
08>O/A Damper >Auto
12>Water Pump >Auto
In the screens above for Manual Control, Manual Control
allows any of the above devices to be turned on manually
Under Manual Dig-Out, AUTO means that the device will
turn on or off based on the demand for the device to be on
or off OFF means that the component will be off until either
set to ON or AUTO mode ON means that the component
will be on until either set to the OFF or AUTO position