Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Marvel Mini
Subject to change without notice.
120.9-IM (1218)
Remote Alarm Output Option
On systems without BMS Communications, an option can
be provided for Remote/Global Alarm Output, which closes
a set of voltage free dry contacts on global alarm to terminals
TB-RA – 1 and TB-RA – 2 With this option, look for terminal
block TB-RA The device must not exceed 10 amps at 240
VAC or 10 Amps at 24 VDC Install two conductors 14 – 18
AWG 600 volt rated from the Remote Alarm device to the
unit’s terminal blocks TB-RA Whether connecting a buzzer
or an indicator light, the device must have a separate power
source Determine which side of the device to disconnect
(hot or common/neutral) through the factory provided dry
contact terminal blocks and wire as follows:
Wiring the Remote/Global Alarm Output
Remove one wire from the Coil of the Alarm Device
and wire nut or splice cap this wire with one of the two
wires going to the Remote Alarm interlock wiring
Connect the other wire of the Remote Alarm interlock
wiring to the location of the wire removed from Remote
Alarm device
At the unit, connect one wire to terminal TB-RA – 1
Connect the other wire to TB-RA – 2
Remote Water Pump ON/OFF Option
If the customer’s system has an ON/OFF Water Pump that
must be commanded on when there is a call for cooling,
and the unit has the optional Remote Water Pump ON/
OFF terminal blocks, the terminal blocks for interlocking
this function are TB-RWP – 1 and TB-RWP – 2 Determine
whether the Hot or Common/Neutral shall be wire through
the contacts for Remote Water Pump interlock Next,
install two conductors 14 – 18 AWG 600 volt rated from
the Remote Water Pump’s Contactor/Starter location to
the unit’s terminal blocks TB-RWP Connect the wires as
Wiring at the Pumps Contactor/Starter
Remove one wire from the Coil of the Water Pump’s
Contactor/Starter and wire nut or splice cap this wire
with one of the two wires going to the Remote Water
Pump interlock wiring
Connect the other wire of the Remote Water Pump
interlock wiring to the location of the wire removed
from the Contactor/Starter Coil
At the unit, connect one of the wires to TB-WP – 1
Connect the other wire to TB-WP – 2
Optional Airside Economizer Damper
If the customer’s system has optional Airside Economizer
Dampers that must be modulated for free cooling, the
terminal blocks for interlocking this function are TB-ASE –
1, TB-ASE – 2, and TB-ASE – 3 Install three conductors
16 – 18 AWG minimum 300 volt rated from the Airside
Economizer Damper Actuators’ location to the unit’s terminal
blocks TB-OAD
Connect the wires as follows:
Wiring of the Airside Economizer Damper
Connect the Common wire at the Damper Actuator to
terminal TB-ASE – 1 inside the unit’s electrical box
Connect the 24 vac wire at the Damper Actuator to
terminal TB-ASE – 2 inside the unit’s electrical box
Connect the 0-10 vdc wire at the Damper Actuator to
terminal TB-ASE – 3 inside the unit’s electrical box
Optional Outdoor Air Damper Control
If the customer’s system has an Outdoor/Fresh Air Damper
that must be opened or closed by the unit during system
start and occupancy schedule, the terminal blocks for
interlocking this function are TB-OAD – 1 and TB-OAD –
2 Determine whether the Hot or Common/Neutral shall be
wired through the contacts for Outdoor Air Damper interlock
Next, install two conductors 16 – 18 AWG minimum 300 volt
rated from the Outdoor Air Damper Actuator’s location to
the unit’s terminal blocks TB-OAD Connect the wires as
Wiring at the Outdoor Air Damper
Connect the Common wire at the Damper Actuator to
terminal TB-OAD – 1 inside the unit’s electrical box
Connect the 24 vac wire at the Damper Actuator to
terminal TB-OAD – 2 inside the unit’s electrical box
Optional Smoke Detector
If the factory ordered smoke detector option is provided,
four terminations shall be required Follow the installation/