Sageon Shield Standalone Battery Monitor
PM990-4023-01, Issue 4
The optional sensors for measuring ambient and battery temperature are the same device (Part No. 385-5941-03).
The system auto-detects if the sensor is plugged into one of the positions (4) or (5) shown in Figure 6. If no
sensor is installed, the Controller will show “Not Available” in the menu items for the temperature measurements.
Locate the ambient sensor on a large thermal mass, such as the equipment rack; this will prevent large swings in
temperature readings. Locate the battery sensor on a battery block in the middle shelf of the battery bank (likely
hot zone). The battery temperature sensors are connected directly to the battery posts using the integral lug of the
temperature sensor. The temperature sensors are galvanically isolated from the lug.
Up to four battery temperature sensors can be connected to the Sageon Shield Standalone Battery
Monitor; however, only the highest battery temperature will be displayed at the front panel or via SageView.
Figure 7. Alarm relay connections (right) and remote communications module location (left)
Figure 8. Alarm relay board connections
The alarm relay board is inverted when installed in the rear cover lid such that Relay 5 is on the left when viewed
from the rear of the metalwork. The connections are labeled again on the rear cover. Each alarm is user
programmable through the Controller using the SageView PC software.