December 2010
Doc ID 18209 Rev 1
Application note
In-home display for ZigBee® smartplug
This application note describes the demonstration firmware running on the STM3210C-
EVAL for the STM32F107VC to manage a smartplug network system.
An embedded graphical user interface (GUI) based on the “multi-input embedded GUI
library 2.0 for STM32F10xxx” described in the AN3128 application note, and working on an
LCD TFT 320 x 240 display and 5-position joystick, allows the user to interact with the
smartplug system made up of one coordinator and two smartplugs connected.
describes the document and library rules.
highlights the features of the ZigBee smartplug and explains its hardware
interface with a device microcontroller (STM32).
describes briefly the “multi-input embedded GUI library”.
describes the relevant blocks of the STM3210C-EVAL demonstration board.
shows the demonstration firmware/board system setup.
describes, in detail, how the “in-home display” firmware is structured, its
architecture and its exported APIs.
explains how to get started with the system, how to configure and use the IAR
workspace, and contains an example application source code.
illustrates how the “in-home display” GUI application works.
illustrates the hardware schematics.