User manual for NERO / NERO INSTANT
Page 65
Version 3.2 / December 2017
General configuration:
File format EVA-DTS. File name: CONF_GEN.DTS. The file can be downloaded
to the machine with any number specified in clause 1.1.2.
It is necessary to insert the USD-flash drive into the USB connector to access the information on the
drive. The USD connector is situated on the inner side of the vending machine’s door (see section 3.5.13).
This connection should be made when the machine is in selling mode and when asked confirm the follow
ing: “
Load Gen. Config.?
Software update: to update the machine’s software, you must visit the manufacturer’s website at http://
www.unicum.ru/en , go to DOCUMENTATION section and select the relevant vending machine model
on the resulting page to update the software. On the resulting page select FIRMWARE UPDATE, which
will lead to automatic downloading of files to your computer. The files are downloaded in an archive.
To copy the files to the USB-flash drive unpack the archive and save the contents of the file to the root
directory of the USB-flash drive. The archive contains software update files and files with installation
To update the software on the machine, it is necessary to insert the USB drive with copied files into the
USB connector, which is situated on the inner side of the machine’s door (see section 3.5.13). After the
recognition of files (validation) the machine’s display shows option to update machine’s software.
To download the power board must approve the request: ‘‘Load Hot Firmware?’’
To download the software of the main board machine must approve the request: ‘‘Load Firmware?’’
Editing configuration files, and view audit files by using a special program ‘‘Unicum Vending Machine
Tools, which can be downloaded here: