User manual for NERO / NERO INSTANT
Page 35
Version 3.2 / December 2017
Value Subnet mask
Setting the subnet-mask.
Here we set the subnet-mask, from which the Machine under-
stands if any given IP address is local (part of LAN with direct
communication) or if it is external (Out of the LAN.
Communication through the gateway, see below).
The subnet-mask is set by the network administrator.
For example if the subnet-mask is all the IP address
would be treated as external. If the subnet mask is
only the IP addresses which will have the same number as the
first number of the Machine’s IP address will be treated as local.
Different LANs use different subnet-masks, but usually one of
the following is used: (large LAN which can comprise of up to 65536 de-
vices) (medium size LAN which can comprise of up to
256 networking devices) (small LAN, which can comprise of up to 128
Four numbers
0...255 Gateway
Setting the gateway address.
Here we set the IP address of the Gateway, through which the
Machine will access the external IP addresses.
This is set by the network administrator.
Except for accessing external IP addresses the Machine will
ping the Gateway for its MAC address every 10 seconds after
coming online, until it gets a response from the Gateway.
Therefore, even if you don’t intend to allow access to the out-
side world, it is recommended that you set this address, point-
ing it to some computer which is always available in the LAN.
Without this IP address the Machine will keep on dispatching
waste packets every 10 seconds Remote IP
Here we set the Server’s IP address which is used to handle
card data, saving balance information on the server (not on the
When such card is swiped (and when it is recharged or when
used for purchases) the Machine connects to the given server
and asks for permission to perform the action (or will check
current balance).
This address can be local (for the Machine) or external. If we
don’t use card system with balance information on the server,
we do not set this field
3 digits
0...9 Remote port
Setting the Server’s port.
Here we set the port for the Server, which was set in the pre-
vious section
5 digits
0...65535 Allow eth. control
Here we can set YES for touch screen or NO for other Ma-
If set to YES the Machine opens port 999, through which the
Machine can be controlled, similarly as done with the touch-
screen computer.
If set to YES, when the Machine is hooked to LAN, which is
not limited to the Machine, it is recommended that you hook
up a router to the Machine, which will remote access to the
Otherwise the Machine can be hacked from the LAN (access to
Machine’s status, execute sales etc.)