User manual for NERO / NERO INSTANT
Page 3
Version 3.2 / December 2017
1.1 Introduction
This user manual (hereinafter called the “Manual”) covers drinks vending machines models:
NERO, NERO INSTANT (hereinafter called the ‘‘Machine’’).
The manual contains basic information about the Machine and its software. It includes the information,
necessary for preparation for use, use and technical servicing of the Machine, as well as basic information
about the Machine’s software.
This manual is meant for engineering-technical personnel, who perform technical servicing of vending
machines and are qualified to work with similar electronic and electrical equipment.
This Manual is for the technical and engineering personnel, who provide technical servicing for the Ma-
chine and are permitted to handle electrical units of similar category.
Breach of the requirements of the current Manual can lead to trauma, device damage and renders the
warranty ineffective. You must read and understand the requirements indicated in the current Manual, be-
fore installing and using the Machine, because it contains important information regarding unit safety, and
servicing and usage instructions.
The knowledge of safety requirements is necessary to instruct the users to properly use the Machine.
The Machine buyer is responsible to make sure that the serving personnel had undergone needed
training and was informed properly and that the instructions of the technical documents were fully ob-
The Machine manufacturer carries no responsibility for damage or loss incurred under the following
In case of unsanctioned modernization;
In case of improper installation;
In case of improper connection to the power and / or water supply;
In case of cleaning and servicing contrary to the requirements;
In case of improper operations or use of Machine’s equipment;
In case of use of non-genuine spare parts.
• rejection of the use of food products, designed specifically for vending machines.
The manufacturer of the Machine is in no case liable for any possible losses, which might result from
interruption of business due to Machine breakdown.
According to the client’s requirements the vending machine can have additional (optional) functions.
These vending machine should only be used for making and selling drinks!
1.2 Terms of use
This Manual is for a certain version of vending machine software, which is current at the time of printing
of this Manual.
All possible modifications, modernizations and/or adaptations, which are effected or will be executed in
future for following sales, do not mandate the manufacturer to conduct similar modernization of software
for the earlier sold Machines, as well as it does not mandate the manufacturer to amend the user docu-
mentation, which is a part of the Machine’s package.
The developer of the Machine and regulatory software have the right to make necessary changes to the
Machine’s structure, software’s flow and in the documentation for its use without notice to the user.