User manual for NERO / NERO INSTANT
Page 29
Version 3.2 / December 2017
3.7.3 Flushing the vending machine’s water tract
The pipe
Figure 36
Figure 37
ATTENTION: You must discharge all water from the machine’s water tract before transporta-
tion or before storage under conditions where temperature goes below +1
C! Failure to con-
form to this requirement might seriously damage the vending machine!
Since the water tract always contains water during operations, you must flush the water tract before
transporting the machine or before changing any of the parts of the machine’s hydraulic system.
All of the water must also be flushed before conserving the vending machine.
Following is the procedure for flushing the water:
1. Cool down the boiler. For the purpose enter the service menu and select sub-clause “1.9.10 Cool-
ing the boiler” and start the cooling process by pressing the OK button. After you start the process
the machine will pump sufficient amount of water through the boiler to cool it down to 45 degrees.
This process can be executed for machines with external water supply as well as for machines with
internal water cans.
2. After the boiler has been cooled the machine’s display shows the OK sign, after which you should
disconnect the machine from water supply or you should remove the water supply pipes from the
cans/bottles. It is also necessary to flush water from the pipe, which supplies water from external
water supply valve or autonomous water supply pump, to the float chamber. For the purpose re
move the pipe from the valve or pump and direct it to the flush bucket. Make sure that all the water
from the pipe is discharged.
when using internal water supply from cans/bottles it is also necessary to flush the autono
mous function pump. For the purpose, following the cooling process and removal of supply pipe from the
pump, it is necessary to manually pull down the float from the float chamber until the pump starts and hold
the float for 5-10 seconds. After this you must reinstall the pipe (to the valve or the pump).
After cooling, flush the boiler. For the purpose enter the service menu and select sub-clause “1.9.12
Boiler flush” and start the flushing process by pressing the OK button. The machine will start pump
ing out water from the float chamber and the rest of the water tract, which supplies water to the
4. When the given process will be completed, you will see the OK sign on the display. This is when
you should turn the machine OFF.
Place a container under the boiler and remove the pipe from the bottom of the boiler (figures 36,
37) by loosening the fixator screw. Then turn the machine ON and wait until all the water would be
flushed from the boiler (until the water stops dripping).
6. Turn OFF the vending machine.
7. Reconnect the pipe to the boiler with the help of the tightening screw.